“…I realized I was before a highly talented and skilled young musician, also on a cultural level. When analyzed, his compositions reveal sufficient inventive and sensitivity for the demands of today’s music, while still retaining a healthy and essential communicative power for conveying to the listener a genuine personal musicality. Bedetti’s successes in numerous composition contests are proof of his gifts as an excellent musician”.
Bruno Bettinelli
“A talented musician, Bedetti writes always with refined taste combined with a solid technique”.
Bruno Coltro
“I have appreciated the musical and professional qualities of Maestro Tiziano Bedetti during my specialization courses at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia and the Accademia Musicale Chigiana. His sound technical background and his profond classical culture allow him to face a wide range of the traditional and contemporary musical repertoire. He fully deserves his successes”.
Azio Corghi
“Your cd is very interesting and varied. I like the bridge you create between classical studies and certain rhythmically jazzed solutions. Moreover the cd remains coherent even if it consists of a cycle and numerous variations which mark a separation from the first part. Anyway the first and the second parts are very well jointed together. Very well!”.
Lorenzo Ferrero
“The music of Tiziano Bedetti speaks for itself. The music demonstrates his ability to create large structures. It also show his attention to the smallest details of melody, harmony, rhythm and orchestration. The music compositions of Bedetti are excellent artistic combination of expression and organization. He is a very talented and important young Italian composer”.
Jon Ward Bauman
“His music is attractive and immaginative and I am happy to know about it […].
It is clear that you are a talented young man, and that you express yourself in music quite naturally and with energy”.
David Shifrin
“I especially liked the String Quartet N.1 and the Water Music. A Jewel!
Water music piece which I find has a beautiful mystic quality […].
The Seasons it is an ambitious and wonderful project. I like your running melodies and emotions Japanese inspirations”.
Carolyn Carlson
“You have filled my heart with joy by setting to music a piece belonging to my youth but still adherent to my present sensibility. Its implicit programme and its continuous pursuit have convinced and conforted me”.
Mario Luzi
“Your music is sincere, very well educated, intense and identifiable in your very peculiar musical character”.
Cristina Mazzavillani Muti

“This composers works are studded with more or less explicit references to early twentieth century French musical poetics: in the unreal, enraptured series of chords susteined by long pedals in the Due Preludi per la mano sinistra (Two Preludes for the left hand) and in the classic regularity of the Suite L’Auriga Celeste (The Celestial Charioteer) for piano four hands which, drawing from the events of Phaeton and his chariot of fire, develops the myth with graceful and removed moderation, using an attractive language, both for clarity and accessibility” .
Carla Di Lena (PianoTime)
“Tiziano Bedetti composes with care and economy, and has a exellent control of piano tone. Above, he has good timing, which certainly does justice to his music. Nell’antica luce delle maree (In the old light of the seas) has a fluid quality, coming from rhythmic freedom and flow, and from the material chosen; which is often the bearer of tonal echoes and groups of fringed dissonances…”.
Giovanni Gioanola (Suonare News)
“ Certain composers are able to make the space of the sound a setting of the sentiments. Tiziano Bedetti belongs to this ‘baroque’ poetic conception, which chooses to animate the back-drop of the mind with impressions and recollections in the memory of a shadow. What the vision beyond things has left in the mind, with the clear outlines of its shape. […] Bedetti’s subtle skill is to give formal coherence to his instrumental works in order to narrate the inner events of the human soul. And, all things considered, this precisely the poetry that tinges his world as a composer”.
Alessandro Zignani
“… Three pieces entitled Tre Ricreazioni (Three Recreations) for violin and piano, by a young Italian composer Tiziano Bedetti, were also well received .”
Malcolm Tapscott (The Canberra Times) “Australia”
“Tiziano Bedetti has composed for the Festival a chaconne for string quintet and harpsichord titled «Venetian DNA» which confirms the wide and sound cultural background of the young Maestro and his musical brilliant talent. His chaconne has been deservedly encored”.
Sergio Stancanelli (Gli Amici della Musica)
“Tiziano Bedetti is an excellent pianist and composer, rich of counterpoint and capable of fancy solutions. […] The secret of his art lies in his capability of hiding the harshness and difficulty of a score as he has learned from the most famous European composers; Hence derives his linear and harmonious style far from the excesses of a past highbrow musical production”.
Enzo Fantin (Musica e Scuola)
“The String Quartet N.1 by Tiziano Bedetti, very active and well known all over the world venetian composer, is subtitled «Dance»: as a matter of fact it takes from dance the physicalness of movement which turn into brilliant sonority. His purpose is to combine his classical background with modern mass communication, the western quartet tradition with pop music, the past with the present. The thematic development expands itself through sonata form and variations, inserting different mixes musical suggestions…”.
Antonio Galanti (Suonare News)
“Kisetsu No Iro – The color of the seasons, a show inspired by the country of the Rising Sun with beautiful images […]. excellently supported by the evocative music of Tiziano Bedetti”.
Alberto Cervi (Il Mondo della Musica)
“The soundtrack of “Kisetsu No Iro” is the musical work of the contemporary composer Tiziano Bedetti, where typically oriental atmospheres are present […] The show can be watched lightly, it passes by just like the seasons. The oriental atmospheres make the context suggestive, almost mystical”.
Emma Iannotta (GB Opera)
“Tiziano Bedetti, excellent composer”.
(Mario Fratti, drammaturgo)
Who are the greats of contemporary classical music? […]. As usual, even in this small circle there is at least one Italian, already considered a leading figure abroad: Tiziano Bedetti, forty-year-old from Rovigo, pianist, composer, concert performer awarded in Italy and abroad. On June 17th she will be on stage with Olga Aru, Ukrainian choreographer, prima ballerina of the Moscow Ballet at the historic Palace Theater in Lockport, New York, with a ballet performed by the “Dyan Muleveys dance academy”. (Michele Cucuzza, Corriere dell’Umbria)
“The Italian composer tried to embody in music the inner character of the characters in his paintings, their state of mind, whether it is a portrait of a “partisan” or “Indian”, or a portrait of a diplomat from Africa , or self-portraits by Alexander Shilov himself, or genre paintings….”
Komsomolckaia Pravda (Russian Federation)
“….The extraordinary Bedetti did unimaginably more: he wanted to say about our country in musical language. For this, all the spectators were grateful to him.”
(Alexander M. Shilov): “It was difficult for me to imagine how one could write music for a picture. But he succeeded.”
Moskovsky Komsomolets, (Russian Federation)